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What's Next

This week has been mainly focused on Warm This Winter so we'll give you the highlights of this week's planning as best as we can.

Project Team Members:
  • This week, we have spoken to and brought on a vital new member to help us with our ongoing project
  • Clare White is a professional researcher that will helping us to collect people's stories in safe and welcoming environments, as well as creating more coherent data and stories from them.
  • Chris Altham has been putting together some great illustrations that will be filtered through the socials next week.

  • Next Saturday we have a fun morning workshop being held at the Bridge Centre in Birches Head.
  • We will have amazing artist Born Stokie hosting one of her fabulously crafty workshops, that are suitable for all ages.
  • We will also have an are where we will have a rep from Green Doctor, who will be able to give you great advice and free help (Ie. free lighting) to go towards making your household bills more affordable.



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